Do Frogs Eat Ants?

Did you know that frogs have roamed the earth for about 200 million years, which means they were here at the same time as dinosaurs? Or that the world’s largest frog, the goliath frog, can grow to be up to 15 inches long? Or that there are over 6,000 different species of frogs all over the world? Keep reading for more fun facts about frogs.  

Do frogs eat ants? Frogs do eat ants! Once frogs turn into adults, they become carnivores, and they eat a variety of insects. Frogs will eat insects such as ants, cockroaches, crickets, dragonflies, flies, gnats, slugs, snails, spiders, termites, and worms. The type of insect that frogs eat will vary based on their size.

For example, smaller frogs will likely eat more ants and gnats than bigger frogs, and bigger frogs will eat worms and roaches, and big frogs may even eat small fish. In the wild, frogs will often try to eat anything that moves! 

When frogs are young tadpoles, they eat a more herbivorous diet. Instead of eating insects, tadpoles eat pond plants and algae.  

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Do frogs in captivity eat ants? 

Frogs make good pets, but when they are pets, their diet is a little different. Since pet frogs do not live outside and are not able for forage for their own food, pet frogs will most likely be fed a diet of crickets. Crickets are a staple for pet frogs because they are easy to get at pet stores and are high in protein.

Frogs should not be fed a diet of strictly crickets though- they should also be served other insects, such as worms so that they get all the nutrients that they need.  

Where do frogs live? 

Frogs can be found on every continent except for Antarctica. They can be found in every climate and near any body of freshwater, but they prefer to live near ponds, lakes, and marshes since the water there does not move too fast. They cannot live by the ocean or sea, because they cannot live in saltwater.

There are many different types of frogs and they all live in different parts of the world. Northern leopard frogs live in marshes and grasslands in the United States and Canada, while the poison dart frog lives in the tropical forests in Central and South America, and the desert rain frog lives in sand dunes in South Africa.  

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What are the frogs’ predators? 

Now that we know what frogs eat, you may be wondering if any other animals eat frogs. Frogs are vulnerable to predators both in the water and on land. Some animals that eat frogs include lizards, snakes, shrews, and otters. 

What is the difference between frogs and toads? 

Have you ever wondered what the difference between frogs and toads are? Here are some ways that you can tell a frog apart from a toad: 

  1. Legs: Frogs have longer legs that are great for hopping. The legs on a toad are smaller which is why toads prefer walking as opposed to hopping.  
  2. Location: If you see one of these creatures in the grass or on the sidewalk, it is likely a toad. Frogs lose moisture easily, so they are rarely spotted too far from water, but toads are fine being around dry conditions. 
  3. Shape: Frogs look a bit more athletic than toads, who are squatter looking. Frogs also have a more pointed nose than toads. 
  4. Skin: Frogs have smooth skin, where toads have skin that is covered in bumps and lumps. The skin of a frog also always looks wet, but toads always have dry skin. 
What is the difference between frogs and toads?
What is the difference between frogs and toads?

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Are frogs amphibians? 

Amphibians are cold blooded animals with backbones that do not have scales. Amphibians live part of their lives on land and part in the water. Frogs are amphibians, as well as axolotls, salamanders, and toads.  

How long do frogs live? 

In the wild, most frogs have a lifespan of about 3 to 6 years, but pet frogs live much longer. Most pet frogs live to be about 10 to 20 years old, but the oldest frog ever recorded was about 40 years old!

Different species of frogs have different life expectancies too. For example, the blue poison dart frog has an average life span of about 20 years, but the wood frog usually only lives about 3 years.  

Do Frogs Eat Ants?
What is the difference between frogs and toads?