A lot of birds like to swim. From ducks and geese to penguins and swans, many feathered creatures enjoy spending time in the water and swimming. But can all birds swim? Here, we will take a look at some birds, such as ostriches, emus, and more, and whether or not they can swim.
Can ostriches swim? You probably know that ostriches cannot fly, but can they swim? These giant birds can! It is rare to see these animals swimming, but it is not unheard of. On occasion, ostriches will go for a dip in the water. The way that ostriches swim is similar to the way that they run – their legs make the same pattern of motion in both situations.
As long as these birds keep their heads above water, they will likely find that swimming comes naturally to them. Biologists believe that these birds like to cool down on hot summer days and that is why they will sometimes go into the water.
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Can emus swim?
Emus are the second-largest birds in the world, only second to the ostrich. Can these big birds swim as ostriches can? Believe it or not, emus are very good swimmers! These creatures can often be seen taking a swimming break in a pond or lake near their habitat. This is a good skill for them to have since they cannot fly.
In addition to swimming just to cool down, emus will also swim in order to get across a river or stream or they will swim to safety if the area they live in is flooded.
READ ALSO: Are Emus Dangerous Or Friendly?

Can hummingbirds swim?
Now that we’ve looked at if some of the biggest birds in the world can swim, what about the smallest bird? The smallest bird in the world is the hummingbird. Hummingbirds are not the biggest fans of water – in fact, they do not even like to drink water.
Instead, a hummingbird gets all of the liquid that they need from the nectar and sugar water from the plants that they feed on. But since these birds like to drink sugary substances, they sometimes get sticky. This will cause them to sometimes take a bath in a small source of freshwater, such as a puddle of mist on a leaf. This is the closest these birds will get to swimming!
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Can chickens swim?

While chickens were not “built” to swim (they do not have webbed feet or waterproof feathers), that does not mean that they cannot swim! Chickens seem to have an innate ability to swim. They can paddle well with their non-webbed feet, even if they do not go as fast as other birds such as ducks.
The problem with chickens swimming comes from the fact that their feathers are not waterproof. Once a chicken gets very wet, they tend to sink and it poses the risk of them drowning. This leads animal experts to believe that chickens only have the ability to swim as a survival technique.
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Can turkeys swim?
Turkeys can swim! When they need to, a turkey will tuck their wings close to their body, spread out their tails, and kick their legs. They are actually considered to be adept swimmers. Turkeys will also stand or lay in the water in order to cool down if they are feeling a bit warm.
Can parakeets swim?

Did you know that the most popular bird to have as a pet is the parakeet? Can these feathered friends swim? Parakeets cannot swim, but they do like to take baths! A pet parakeet can take a bath in a shallow bowl full of water (the water should only be about an inch or two deep and it should be lukewarm in temperature).
A bath bowl will encourage pet parakeets to preen, which is simply how birds clean their feathers.
RELATED: Can Turkeys Swim? (+What Are They Afraid Of)
Can parrots swim?
Parrots are not natural swimmers, but they can float. A healthy adult parrot will be able to float easily in water, but younger parrots (who have more body fat) have a harder time floating. The feathers on a parrot are also able to repel water. Additionally, parrots have air sacks that are the length of the body which helps this bird to become more buoyant.